Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas and More

Well now that the semester is over and things have gotten a little less stressful I thought it would be a good time to blog. Sorry for the long hiatus since October, this fall became a little hectic.

Here's some of the things we did over Christmas break in no particular order.  

1. Made A Turkey. 

I cooked, Joel carved. 

2. Went skiing (A LOT)

This is Joel on Beaver Slide, My favorite ski trail in Fairbanks.

It's so perfect when the sun shines on the snow covered trees down the tracks. 

3. Looked cute in a shirt from Mom and Dad Coulter

I know, not the best picture of Joel, but I like the color of his shirt, and I think he's cute. 

4. Joel Kicked Julia's butt in scrabble 

Love the mug (TIGGER= Joel's nickname)

5. Julia Kicked Joel's butt in scrabble

No making fun of all the 4 letter words that we use. We're getting better. 

6. Took care of some doggies! (joel and I house sat for one of our pastors who has 8 sled dogs)

This is Roxy, she runs up to you and shoves her face in between your legs (not in a dog sniffing your butt kind of way). 

This is what the other view looks like. I laugh every time she does this.

This is Olivia, she's my favorite. I call her the Hyena dog. 

7. Ate Pizza 

PIZZA. Half aloha and half gyro, the gyro was AMAZING!

8. Went skiing some more. 

Anna and I are in Anchorage at the US National Ski Championships. Joel and Harald were here, but they had to return home. 

1 comment:

  1. Julia, it is so fun to hear from you. Your Christmas break looks like so much fun. You two needed time to just relax. Great job on the pizza, looks amazing. Josh and I were just talking about games last night and I mentioned I wanted to play scrabble. Glad you got to and had fun! Can't wait to catch up.
