Monday, January 4, 2010

A brain is not working right. Why? What should be done?

I have been leaning on some ideas that have helped direct my thoughts about living in the world as a Christian with a strange hope that people will (by God's grace) ask me about. I'd like to organize them here to help me lean on them and who they point me to even more.


I very much appreciate the explanatory power of a Christian worldview. I especially appreciate it when faithful and wise people communicate an idea about the Christian worldview well. I don't know if I could come to these conclusions and find these hopes on my own.

What is sin? How bad is it and how can we see how bad it is? (Click to download an audio file) A story about a mother whose son has seizures every few minutes at 20:45 will not leave my mind; preceding the story, starting at 14:00, describes how we can see the horror of preferring anything to God.

What should be done?

If this is why suffering and disease and pain is so prevalent across all of human experience, what should a person who believes in Christ and all that God has done through him do? I love these answers.

Don't Wast Your Cancer (or your life or your cavernous angioma!)

All of this leads me to this thought: I love God.



  1. Hey bud... I love you. I love your broken brain. And I love how you seek to serve God in this. You said it in one of your first emails to me...and here you sort through it more. To God be the glory.
