Monday, May 11, 2009

A question for the green thumbs! (AKA MOM's?)

As my friends depart for summer vacation I have inherited some new items including a spatula, a garlic press, some mystery spices, a bunch of plastic containers that I will recycle when the special day comes, and most importantly, house plants. 

The problem is, I don't know what one of them is and I was hoping you could help me. So here it is! 

Peggy, I thought of you all day when I saw it because it was mothers day, and the flowers are pinkish/purple, which I know is one of your favorite colors. 
If anyone knows what it is let me know, and then I can figure out how much light and water it likes.


  1. You should take an upclose picture of the flowers or leaves. That is the only thing I can help with because you know me, I just like and know my rocks:-)

  2. Mom's totally going to know what that is. I totally don't.

  3. Cyclamen! I love them - it's beautiful. It's also a bit tricky to handle. Good luck!
