Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Day in Denali

Joel and I woke up early Sunday morning to make the 2ish hour drive down to Denali National Park. We checked the weather (Brilliant sunshine with a high of 60), and we could see Mt. McKinley from Fairbanks (which already made it a spectacular day). 

Can you see McKinley? I promise its there!

We were still in awe of McKinley's greatness after spending the whole day in its presence.

And we saw wildlife to boot:

25 caribou 

At least 5 Ptarmigan 

(The switch from winter to summer plumage)

8 Bear
(2 of which were spring cubs; so cute!)

And some beautiful landscape

Savage River, Denali National Park  

By the end of the trip, through biking and hiking, we gained a greater appreciation for Denali,

And look forward to our return in the future.


  1. Oh how fun that you went down the park. How far did you bike in? Was there a lot of traffic or is it still pretty slow this time of year? It sounds like a wonderful trip. I am excited to hear more of the details!

  2. very cool! love your narration of the day. also, loved that it looked like you were hiking wearing helmets.

  3. There's Bears in them thar hills!!!

    I am now following your blog. I too, have a blog, but haven't updated it in ages... might have to start again.

    Miss you both!!

  4. I love your blog! You are great photographers and writers so that I feel like am right there with you.
