Friday, August 9, 2013

Catchin' Up

Well, seems like a good time to get back on the blog wagon. So here's what's been happening lately:

Ha! That quote inspired the title.

Moving on. September 2012 was pretty neat. Grand Teton NP inspired wonder and amazement. We hiked around near Paintbrush Divide.

Paintbrush Divide. Google tells me that it is
not really an original idea to take a picture
of that sign.

Camping in Alaska Basin.

As Julia described, we really enjoyed Teton National Park. Julia didn't mention how awesome our bear encounters were. This is what we did the first time when we saw a grizzly on the trail.

The second bear encounter involved a sow and two cubs so we just watched them runnoft rather than chase them.

Bear scare. It's a bear I think.

Later we did another type of adventure called the Chuck-a-Rida. We biked a long way up Big and Little Cottonwood Canyon. It was awesome.

Fatigue caught up to everyone at Brighton, but especially
Sandy. Downhill from here though.

Then we went to an all you can eat buffet known for its scones.

We felt lots better after eating ourselves silly.

So Julia has traditionally had something against bushwhacking. Don't know what's up with that. But after a fair amount of pestering eventually she agreed to go do a ridge run/hike with me in Mill Creek. I had tried the same route last summer but I came across a fellow on the ridge who was pretty turned around and out of water. So I hiked with him back down to the Pipeline Trail and didn't finish the whole loop. Turns out the guy was a practicing witch who had just published a series of short stories about witchcraft. Wouldn't have guessed that just looking at him.

Anyway I wanted another crack at the loop. The end of September looked like this:

Mt. Grandeur

These types of views helped Julia forget that her legs were all scratched up.

Seems like the bushwhack was worth it.

A little further along the ridge.

Those are aspen trees. You wanna know how I know?

Back on the Pipeline Trail. We ought to return this fall.

Well, that was September 2012. Also we took classes and did research.

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