Every year Scott (our coach) has us do a series of tests to check-up on our fitness. These include but are not limited to push-up, sit-ups, pull-ups, 3000 meter run on the track, and of course, running up Ester Dome. It's a hill. That is 5km long.
We raced as a team last week. It had snowed, so our times weren't as fast as usual, but we were in good sprits because we want to SKI!
These are Anna and Tete's backs. They're starting their cool down. Look at the snow YAY!
There wasn't much snow in the valley of Fairbanks, but when Ester dome is covered with this "termination dust" (termination of summer, that is), then we know it's coming.
The day after the time trial up Ester Dome Aurelia and I decided we'd had enough running and roller skiing, so we went for a ski.
We drove up to Ester dome again for our adventure. What a view, cool clouds.
Aurelia and Me
Aurelia pretending to school ptarmigan. If you look hard you might be able to see them. Those little buggers camouflage really well, despite how stupid they seem. This was so funny to us because Einar went ptarmigan hunting that same day and was adamant that there weren't going to be ptarmigan on Ester Dome, so he had to go to Murphy Dome. Silly boy.
Now, today is 42 and sunny. And I am getting ready to go running.
I guess I can deal with one day less of winter, if I have to.