I got a summer job!
Starting in June I will be a camp counselor at "Camp Habitat". It's an ecology day camp. I can bike to work, which is located at Creamers Field. Creamers field is a migratory stopping point for many bird species including geese and sandhill cranes. I am excited to work with kids and teach about and explore the great outdoors!
Here is a link to about the camp habitat program
A Picture of Creamer's Field Farm
The Farm used to be owned by the "Creamer's Family" which I think is a bit ironic, because they had dairy cows.
Some Sandhill Cranes at Creamers Field
I just saw one of these flying and squawking (mating call) today. Forget about Robins, the long-term locals say that the presence of sandhill cranes is a significant sign that spring is here.